Home » Oilcloth Jewelry Box Purse

Oilcloth Jewelry Box Purse

oilcoth purse

You don’t have to be a Beverly Hills designer to create a hand-held fashion statement. Using a basic jewelry box as the foundation, you can create a bag that is sure to raise a few eyebrows. For these boxes, Mexican oilcloth was used, making bold, bright, festive purses perfect for summertime.

1 wood jewelry box with hinges and clasp
Crafty Chica Acrylic paints
1/2 yard of oilcloth fabric
Glue gun
2 (or 4) eye screws
1 (or 2) thin, 12-inch leather strap
Hand drill
Liquid Fusion adhesive
4 (or 8) 1/2 inch jump rings
2 pieces 2-inch-long ribbon

DIRECTIONS: Paint entire box; let dry. Measure oilcloth to fit around box and cut; use glue gun to attach it. Line inside of box as well.
On the box’s clasp/hinge side, drill a hole 1 inch from one end of one of the box halves. Drill another hole 1 inch from opposite end of other half. (For two-strap purse, drill a hole 1 inch from all four ends of box halves; use four eye screws and eight jump rings.)
Add a drop of Liquid Fusion glue to each eye screw, insert screws in holes and let dry.
Open box halfway and glue ribbon strips to insides. Strips prevent items from falling out when purse is opened.
To make strap(s), cover one side of leather strip(s) with fabric. Drill hole at each end of strap(s) and attach jump ring to each. Attach another jump ring to each eye screw. Connect strap to screws.

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