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My favorite vision board + manifesting tips

Are you in the mood for vision board and manifesting tips?

January is the month of getting right with our goals. Whether they are big or small, it’s just helpful to organize. I’m ALWAYS evolving in this area! I have past article on this topic that are super helpful, but I thought I’d share some new practices i’ve incorporated in my goal setting.

And this aligns perfectly with a recent Facebook Live I did in partnership with LifeExperienced.com (It is a website to help people connect with likeminded personalities to enrich their life and activities!)

Click here to see the video for vision board and manifesting tips!

YouTube video

What is a vision board?

Vision boards have been around since forever, but in different capacities. Basically it’s a way to bring your goals and dreams out from your mind and weave them into your daily thoughts, your subconscious mind. I look at it as giving my brain a to-do list, a roadmap. 

The general concept is to use a poster board and cut out pictures and phrases from magazines and paste them down and then display your board so you can see it everyday. I’ve been making these for years and truly believe in them. It’s nothing magical or woo-woo – it’s a matter of planting these ideas in your mind on the regular so your brain will seek out the path and connections to make them happen.

Okay, here are vision board and manifesting tips (updated from years past)!

Make a long list of all the things you LOVE. This is a fun way to slip into a relaxed and open mindset. Specific TV shows, the taste of melted dark chocolate, your favorite paint set, your handwriting, your next door neighbor, the color green, etc…let these all flow out of you, and don’t overthink, let it happen naturally and know there are no guidelines! Have fun with this!

Make a long list of all the things you are grateful for. A working body, the color of your hair, electricity, your city, your lungs, your iPad, someone who loves you, etc.

Write a list of 10 CRAZY big time goals and dreams.

Things that if you had a magic wand, you would use it for these things. Don’t overthink it, be free with your wishes and visions.

 – On a separate piece of paper (one per goal), take each goal and answer these questions as specifically as possible:

  1. How will this goal positively impact my life?
  2. How can I change things in my life to prepare for this goal to come to fruition?
  3. Are there actions I will take to support this goal? Which ones?
  4. What is the ultimate long term end goal for this? 

Review last year’s goals. How did you make progress on them? If you didn’t follow through, ask yourself why you didn’t put time into it. Maybe you leave it off this year or move it up on on your list to really address it. 

Magazines are great, but also print out specific phrases or images that support your visions. This is a MUST for me. I incorporate logos of companies I want to work with, example pictures of end goals, etc. Then you can use the magazines to find spontaneous items that go along with the flow!

As you create your board, review the reasons why you chose certain items and say some affirmations as you work on your board.

“I’m excited for a new car this year so I will have reliable transportation.” By doing this you are offering your subconscious supporting facts for the goal. If you watch the video, I share my story of how I bought a brand new car in cash last year!

Add to your board all year, or make a new one each quarter of the year.

Take pictures of your favorite areas and use them as your phone’s wallpaper. Get creative!

What are your favorite vision boards and manifesting tips?

Here are some past articles to inspire you!

Vision Boards: Do this FIRST

Podcast #12: How to Make an Epic Vision Board!

DIY Prosperity Plaques – Let’s Manifest Money!

Life Lessons from Luisa

Super Cute Things to Make with Fabric Scraps


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